The True Vine
In Biblical typology, the Vine represents the people of faith. God has always justified men based on faith. The law never justified any man but rather served to condemn sin and lead men to Christ, the Savior. The law didn’t justify Moses, David, or any of the Prophets but set a standard of perfect morality and was used to measure the perfection of Jesus Christ and approve Him as sinless. The important thing to note is The True Vine has existed since Adam. Jesus said I am the True Vine. He is the true focal point of our faith, “whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting.” Micah 5:2b
Left to its own, a grapevine is a branch and leaf super-producer. If you want beautiful foliage, grow a grapevine. It naturally produces attractive branches and leaves. But it must be trained to produce abundant fruit.
Unfortunately, the prolific branches absorb the abundant energies of the vine. The foliage robs the fruit of nutrients and prevents essential airflow and sunlight. Fruit rot, mildew, unbalanced clusters, small grapes, and even disease is the natural outcome of an unattended sprawling vine.
Vines are not fruitful on their own; they need attention by those equipped with special skills. Do not fret, vineyards aren’t rocket science, they just require practical attention. You do not have to make the vine grow. The DNA of a grapevine is programmed for growth. God’s laborers simply need to apply the techniques that ensure the resources of the Vine accommodate the development of delicious fruit.