Since I became a Christian in 1976, I have possessed a strong desire to understand the scriptures. To that end, I studied the Bible on the collegiate level for seven years and enjoyed every minute. I graduated from Fountain Gate Bible College in Plano, Texas, in 1985. It was also there where I met and married my wonderful wife, Nancy, in 1983. We have always shared a passion to do ministry together.
After graduating from Fountain Gate, I worked 29 years at Frito Lay Corporate Headquarters, Data Center, and Research and Development. In that span, Nancy and I raised three sons, Ryan, Paul, and Travis, who came to faith in Jesus Christ and presently love God and serve Him with their unique talents. After 29 years, I retired in 2016 as Facilities Automations Administrator for Frito Lay Headquarters.
I love serving my local church. Midway Church, in Pilot Point Texas, has been our home for 18 years. I have served as a Bible Teacher, Life Group Leader, Nursing Home Pastor, and Church Elder and I now serve as Community Care Pastor. Since Nancy and I began jail and prison ministry in 2008 we have learned a great deal in helping people overcome seemingly insurmountable problems through the teachings of Jesus Christ. Presently, I oversee our Church Benevolence and focus on the joyous ministry of teaching and discipleship. I serve on the Board of Directors at Denton Freedom House in Aubrey, Texas, a faith-based home for men who struggle with addiction.
In addition, I have an artsy DNA. I love to write. I am a student of Theology, Ancient Hebrew, and Biblical Literature. These provide depths of insight that I find indispensable to Biblical Teaching. In 2015, I authored my first book: Taking Anger Seriously, A Divine Answer for Human Anger. The book has received 5-star reviews and accolades from Christian family counselors and pastors. In addition, I’ve developed an accompanying workbook aimed to practically and effectively help people change their emotional fingerprint.
Nancy Quin – Assistant to Executive Director; Education, Administration, & Advocacy: A seasoned Educator and Advocate who passionately serves the community from an unwavering heart of faith. She received her Bachelor of Business Administration with Honors at the University of Texas at Austin, 1979.
She is experienced in C-Level support in both Corporate and International Religious Nonprofit Organizations. As a veteran Elementary school teacher of 24 years, she dedicated herself to help children from broken homes and with diverse learning disabilities. As a hands-on volunteer in Denton County Correctional facilities since 2010, she has labored to lift women from domestic violence, drug addictions and the devastation of cycle of abuse. In support of and alongside her like-minded husband, she has exercised her gifts and skills as a practicing editor and administrator of professional documents.
She has poured her life into our three sons, the many children she taught in the classroom, and those who have passed through our home and ministry. Nancy loves people and labors compassionately to lift others with high integrity.
Our family and church have learned to value those who struggle with addictions and crime. Those crises present grand opportunities for God to be glorified. Yes, loving patience, discernment, and wisdom are of utmost importance to help, but the work is rewarding. It is recorded that King Solomon once said, “the most beautiful thing in the world is a repentant sinner.” I find that hard to argue. Witnessing such a life-change is among our family’s greatest treasures.